Country club

Museum of the History of River Pilots
Variant I

city: Dnipro, Ukraine
function: Museum of History 
area:450 m²
status: preliminary design (2021)
team: Mykyta Shalennyi, Andriy Horbunov, Anton Biriuliov, Mariya Yabrova 

We have received a request for the development of the Museum of the History of River Pilots. The museum today is primarily a place of cultural rest, and only then – high-quality history presentation, artifacts, and documents.

Our museum is an interactive game we offer the spectators to play.
Mapping, audio installations, interactive screens, convenient infographics are the tools that help quickly immerse into history.

We offered the spectator to first go to the watch tower, move to the infographics hall from it, and then visit the mapping hall where the spectator can see the river rapids before and after Zaporizhzhia dam was built.

We have paid special attention to the facture and the form. The façade indirectly refers us to the first Cossack churches and, at the same time, reminds of a large Latin letter L, the first letter in the word Loodsman originating from the Dutch “river/marine pilot”, as well as a distorted form of cover similar to Dnipro rapids. The facture of the old deck plate refers us to the forest mold, while the scale surface of zinced tile is like the sparkling surface of Dnipro in the sun.
 Facade cladding scheme
  Graphic design museum identity
Проект развития территории
Relax Hotel & SPA

Загородный оздоровительный комплекс с двумя озерами, площадью 60 гектар.

На территории: апартаменты, ресторан, пляж, бассейн, BBQ, SPA.